Tag Archives: update

Animoog 2.2.4 Released – Major bugfix update

We told you it was coming and now the wait is over! And don’t let you mislead by the it’s name, version 2.2.4 is a major Animoog update considering it brings lots of significant fixes, including stable support for iOS 8. Version 2.2.3 came out in October 2014, over 6 months ago. And now that Moog is putting more love to Animoog development, I expect we’ll have good news from Moog more frequently.

So here’s the official changelog:

  • Stable support for iOS 8
  • Stable support for 64-bit devices
  • Revised timbres panel with categories (touch-hold timbre in category for preview)
  • Fixes for timbres showing up with domain name prefixes
  • Audiobus input slot compatibility fixes
  • Virtual Animoog MIDI ports are now always available even if no port is explicitly selected
  • Improved IAA instrument compatibility (IAA transport panel will be done for a future release)
  • Use with any buffer size from 128 to 4096 (256 being the intended size for all supported devices)
  • Fixes for restore purchase functionality
  • Improved in-app store layout and interaction
  • iTunes File Sharing access to timbres, presets and projects
  • Removed import/export preset from setup panel since iTunes File Sharing should cover all needs
  • Added timbre category list under ‘random preset’ to enable/disable categories to randomize timbres from
  • 4-track recorder fixes for loading clips, pasting clips and AudioPaste
  • 4-track project fixes for save/load/delete/share
  • 4-track now remains unlocked when not connected to network
  • Pitch bend range is now always saved with presets and correctly loads from presets when this option is active
  • Pitch and mod strips now light up with incoming MIDI
  • Hold button now more clearly shows when it’s active
  • Manual MIDI CC input now ensures only numbers can be entered
  • Keyboard scale selection now doesn’t misbehave after selecting the whole tone scale
  • Preset panel is laid out more consistently
  • Resuming after interruptions from Siri now reactivates audio
  • Proper handling of large amounts of MIDI expression data, coming from alternative controllers
  • Updated built-in manual

Enjoy! And if you find bugs, Moog, more than ever before, provide feedbacks to its users in order to fix those, so let them know about the remaining bugs! — Alex / Satri

Animoog Development News from Moog

Some news from Moog Music regarding our dear Animoog app.

The last update we got was version 2.2.3 in October 2014. In February I shared some good news from Moog about beta testing a new version which is 64bits and fixes issues with Audiobus, those news were shared from Animoog.org’s Twitter account.

Today we got some fresh news over the ‘iPad Musician’ Facebook group, thanks to Brian Brylow. Here’s most of what’s exciting: “[… ]provided to me by one of the executives at Moog. […] Here is the text that they are comfortable publicly sharing:”

“Moog has recently expanded their software team and are actively engaged in supporting and updating both the Filtatron and Animoog applications to address known bugs and to implement product improvements and new features. We will also be implementing a more streamlined way for users to give feedback and bug issues in the near future that will enable us to support the community much more effectively. All of us at Moog really appreciate your patience and continued support of these products.

You should be seeing a number of updates in the near future for both products.”

You can expect we’ll publish news on Animoog.org as soon as new Animoog versions become available. The wait should be over soon and according to Moog, we’ll have new means to provide feedback regarding its development. Great news overall! — Alex / Satri

Animoog for iPhone 1.1.6 Released

I don’t have a phone, so my experience with Animoog currently focuses on the iPad. That said, all Animoog releases are good news to me nonetheless! Here’s the official changelog for version 1.1.6 of Animoog for iPhone, made available today.

What’s new

  • Updated MIDI fixing MIDI out problems
  • In app purchases improvements
  • IAA MIDI improvements

This comes less than week after the release of Animoog 2.2.3. Enjoy!

Animoog 2.2.3 Released

See, we’re really getting frequent Animoog updates now. Isn’t that great! Version 2.2.3 released today is mainly targeting bugs, and once the main ones will be squashed, we can hope for interesting new features to be implemented (yes, I’m a natural optimist ;-)).

Meanwhile, the official version 2.2.3 release notes:

  • General MIDI Out fixes
  • IAA Midi and CoreMidi now simultaneously trigger events
  • Audiobus support improvements


Animoog 2.2.2 Released

Isn’t that nice? After a long break of over a year without any news, we now get Animoog updates regularly! Hope the trend will keep up! Version 2.2.1 came only about three weeks ago. And the iPhone version a few days ago.

For the Animoog update released earlier today, version 2.2.2, the official release notes are:

Bug Fixes:

  • File not Found message and app stuck when AudioCopy from 4 Track
  • Animoog Midi In appears as an option for Midi Out
  • MIDI IN state always appears as OFF
  • Canceling Restore Purchases, app will ignore Cancel user’s request
  • Choosing Delete causes crash, when no saved project on the list
  • Saving project while in record mode, app crashes
  • Choosing AudioPaste option while in record mode, cause crash

Unsurprisingly, Animoog users  over the official Moog forums have apparently found features not working as expected. Hopefully, these issues will be addressed in a future version. I’m happy, Animoog gets developer love, which means we get a better Animoog with every update :-)

Animoog 2.2.1 and Animoog for iPhone 1.1.3 Released


There we go! Today were released both Animoog 2.2.1, the iPad version, and Animoog for iPhone 1.1.3. These welcomed releases bring iOS 8 compatibility and Audiobus + Inter App Audio support. Here are the official release notes.

For Animoog 2.2.1:

  • Audiobus 2 Support
  • Inter App Audio
  • AudioCopy 2 Support
  • iOS 8 Compatible

For Animoog for iPhone 1.1.3:

  • iOS8 Support

That’s not entirely true for the iPhone version… the release 1.1.3 also bring fixes that make all the new shiny features of version 1.1.2 actually work fine. There’s also a few minor interface changes and improvements that you’ll discover while playing with the new versions. One of those is the new previous/next buttons in the presets list, another one is the new Timbres browser. There’s also a new look for the expansions list in the Store tab. Have you found anything else new or changed?

After updating to the latest Animoog version, lots of my presets were not playing fine: several timbres were missing. The solution for me was to restore purchases from the ‘Store’ tab. I still have issues with some presets, but I suspect they are all presets I manually installed and which may require new direct manipulation to make them work (see the section at the bottom of this page regarding manually installing expansion packs).

While these updates ‘only’ bring current iOS and Audiobus + IAA support, and the improvements wish list includes plenty of other exciting features, this is still great that Moog is back at actively working on Animoog development. Rejoice! We have new versions of Animoog! :-)

Animoog for iPhone 1.1.2 Released

This is major news, mainly because it confirms that Moog has not abandoned Animoog. Animoog for iPhone’s previous update showed up 2012. Here’s what’s new in version 1.1.2 of Animoog for iPhone, officially released on August 29th, 2014:

  • Full iOS 7 compatibility
  • Support for iPhone 5 and all prior screen sizes
  • Inter-App Audio Support
  • Audiobus 2 Support
  • AudioCopy 2 Support

Audiobus and Inter-App Audio (IAA) support are significant new features, meaning Animoog for iPhone can now properly be integrated with other music apps on the iPhone. IAA is Apple’s built-in solution for iOS 7 and later for audio apps to talk together and share (and real-time modification) audio tracks. Both Audiobus and IAA are widely supported by other iOS audio apps.

What’s also great is that Moog itself provided feedback in their forum, acknowledging some issues with the just released new features and pointing to another upcoming update that should soon see the light. Moog cares, and that matters.

An update for Animoog for the iPad has not hit the App Store yet, but now we can expect it any day or week. Let’s rejoice! And yes, I’ll have to update the wish list for Animoog accordingly.

Update to the Animoog Wish List

Thanks to the feedback provided on the official Animoog forum and the addition of some important items I forgot for the initial publication of the page, the Animoog improvements wish list is now significantly improved! Additions include:

  • A new section on transferring and the syncing of tracks, presets and timbres, copied below
  • In-app tutorials
  • Animoog for Android
  • and a few other minor enhancements and wishes

Here’s the whole new section we added as part of this update:

Presets and tracks transfer and sync

  • Getting data in and out Animoog could be much easier and straightforward, especially for (A) 4-track projects, and (B) user-saved presets and timbres
  • For tracks, we can use ‘AudioCopy’ to move to Garageband and then export away, or use Audiobus to export to yet another app. For copying presets out, we currently have to rely on iFunBox. In both cases, it requires lots of manipulations and third-party software
  • What about a simple ‘Send by email’ feature for tracks? That would be a great start
  • Tracks and user-saved presets could also be synced in and out via DropBox, ownCloud or a similar file syncing services, that would really be easy to use and immensely useful
  • Moog could be rightfully worried that paid-for presets and timbres could be shared amongst users if they becomes easy to share them. I suggest the following solution; let Animoog users share the presets they modified and are proud of, let them build a sense of community around sharing user-modified presets and timbres, but in order to avoid the piracy of presets sold as in-app purchases, make it a requirement that in order to use a preset coming from another user, someone has to have bought, if applicable, the original preset on which the shared preset is based on. Technically, Animoog simply needs to validate that the preset the user is loading is based on a preset that the user already has rights to, if not, let the user know that it needs to buy the original preset in order to use the modified preset
  • Tracks could be pushed to SoundCloud directly, but this is of lower priority in my opinion

Here’s the Animoog improvements wish list for you to see its latest shiny version. Don’t hesitate to share your feedback and own wishes, I’ll gladly update the page accordingly.

Sincere regards — Alex for Animoog.org