
• welcome to my music • 

under clear skies, Beau temps showed up in 2002

much later, fortunate luck led me to Animoog, a musical instrument played on the iPad

I enthusiastically joined the Apptronica label in 2014
and there came improvised Animoog solos, Unanimoog, escape inside the music

I became an official Moog Music Beta Tester
I interfaced my old Roland keyboard with Animoog and improvised some more

Pianimoog •• discoverY came to being in 2016

while I was beta testing the new Moog appstrument, Model 15 saw the light

I started beta testing for other music companies
the ROLI Seaboard RISE found me and by the end of 2017, RISE 42 rolled in

it was time to prepare a gift for you
stars enlightened 2019


you can keep track of my activities by subscribing to my music newsletter

focused on my music explorations

If you’re feeling like
watching my music videos

‘Thinking about it’ has been mastered for my stars album:

here’s ‘Curious Explorer’ from my ‘Unanimoog, escape inside the music’ album:

and here’s ‘And back to space’ also from my Unanimoog album:

Some of my tracks are also showcased in various excellent collective albums, here they are, from more recent to oldest:

Lift music for hippies:

The Spirit of Samhain:

The Best of Apptronica 2014:

And a few more such as Then & Now.

May you be well — Alex / Satri

6 thoughts on “Satri

    1. Hi Tiziano, I took me too long to reply here, but meanwhile we had several off-site discussions and I’m glad I’ll be adding your Animoog presets to the list of third-party presets pretty soon! Cheers — Alex / Satri

  1. Hi Satri, thanks for this excellent blog. Your passion for music is awesome!! I have been trying to find out if Animoog app for iPad allows one to tune each note (by certain cents up or down from the equi tempered scale that is normally found in keyboards). Would you please let me know?

  2. Hi Sanjay, fine tuning pitches of individual notes can be done through MIDI MPE, a recent standard which Animoog supports. The challenge will be how you intend to tune and play those notes. Were you planning to use a MPE controller such as the Seaboard or the LinnStrument? Searching “MPE” will lead you to some potentially useful references. Hope this helps :-) — Alex / Satri

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